Interview scars - a wide range of solutions for getting rid of a scar.

publié le 17 April 2024 dans Technology & Innovation

Continuous progress in modern medicine offers a wide range of solutions for people wishing to get rid of a scar. Extract from an interview with Dr Luigi L. Polla & Dr Janni Galatoire for the newspaper Le Temps.

Dr. Luigi Polla

When I started in 1986, we were using the first lasers to treat scars," recalls Dr Polla. Over time, technologies have been refined. Today, we prefer radiofrequency equipment delivered by microneedles, which leaves little redness on the skin. "

Regenerative medicine, which involves manufacturing cells from samples taken from the patient's body, is the future of the field, according to doctors. This technique improves both atrophic and hypertrophic scars," notes Dr Galatoire. It's a rapidly developing area of research.

Tailor-made treatments for every type of skin, scar or wound. "There are different types of scars. Some are on the face, others on the body. They may or may not be related to a pathology, an injury or surgery," says Dr. Galatoire. Galatoire. Areas with a high follicular density, such as the face, generally heal better than the rest of the body. Also, areas of high mechanical tension heal less well, such as the thorax compared with the abdomen.

The person's phototype, i.e. the colour of their skin and how they react to the sun, also plays a role in the development of a scar. Caucasians rarely produce hyperpigmented scars," says Dr Polla, "whereas people of Mediterranean, Middle Eastern and South American origin often hyper-pigment, resulting in unsightly brown spots. Finally, people of African or African-American origin tend to have hypertrophic, bulging scars. Sometimes these scars can even extend beyond the injured area, continue to thicken to form real tumours, in which case radiotherapy becomes necessary. "

Dr. Janni Galatoire Janni Galatoire

How do you come to terms with your scars, despite beauty standards that favour flawless skin? Psychological support goes hand in hand with our treatment," insists Dr Galatoire. We explain from the outset that some scars will fade completely, but most will leave a trace. In this way, we try to set in motion a process of acceptance right from the first consultation.

The origin of the scar is a factor in its acceptance. Some people carry a scar complex with them for the rest of their lives, especially if it is linked to a trauma, such as the loss of a child, a fight or a self-inflicted injury," observes Dr Polla. In these cases, it's essential to do everything we can to erase the scar and therefore the memory of the trauma. "

Solutions offered by aesthetic medicine to correct scars:

  • Fractional radio frequency, "Genius" device
  • PRP and/or Nanofat injections, self-regenerative medicine
  • Injection of hyaluronic acid, a filling product for sunken scars
  • Fraxel Dual fractional laser
  • VBeam Prima vascular laser for scars that are still red or pinkish
  • Microneedling
  • TCA and/or Amelan peel for pigmented scars