I tested... PRP

publié le 30 April 2024 dans Technology & Innovation

Last week my daughter Sasha went on a skiing holiday. And what do mums do when the little ones are away? Well, they dance, of course! So yes, I went out. I went wild. A little, a lot, passionately... At the end of the week, I realised that I wasn't 20 any more and that my dark circles betrayed my short nights. I don't need to draw you a picture: drawn lines, shadows under the eyes, just a tired look! And make-up couldn't do anything about it. So I didn't hesitate to try the famous 'Vampire Lift' at Forever Institut.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) comes from a sample of your own blood, centrifuged to recover the best of it. These magical little molecules are supposed to regenerate our cells, stimulate collagen production and repair tissues. I'll take it!

Firstly, the plasma being injected is yellow, not red. So the term 'Vampire Lift' can be misleading. The other thing I discovered was that the treatment is downright painful - especially as I'm a particularly painful person! So, "I've tested the PRP" quickly came to mean testing the famous "laughing gas" (nitrous oxide) at the same time. For those of you who've never heard of it, this gas quickly goes to your head and clouds your memories, so I went from "I'll never do that treatment again" to "it was really great, thank you very much, when can we do it again?

The pain comes from the acidity of the anticoagulant and the injection technique, which aims to form papules under the skin. Fearing an overdose of hilarity, Dr Bani quickly decided to adapt the technique to my pain tolerance threshold: she opted for mesotherapy (superficial micro-perforations with a needle), which is much more bearable - even if it's a little less effective! The treatment ended with a gentle massage of the face, neck and décolleté using the rest of the plasma mixed with my favourite cream, Kantic by Alchimie Forever.

So, what's the verdict? The very next day, my skin was already clearer, brighter and softer; I even hesitated to put on make-up, which never happens to me! The benefits should intensify over the next few weeks. So yes, I'll do the whole protocol with the 2 other recommended treatments, but I'll put an anaesthetic cream on first!

And I'm still going to see if I can't try another treatment that's less painful but just as well suited to the needs of my skin and my 35-year-old age group...