Everything you need to know about scalp PRP

publié le 30 April 2024 dans Technology & Innovation

I've noticed that since last year I've lost a lot of hair. I've had COVID once and I've been vaccinated. Is there a link between this virus and hair loss?

Many of our customers consulted us during this period, complaining of severe hair loss. There are two phenomena that allow us to make a causal link between COVID and these symptoms: 1. the health crisis has been a source of stress for many people, and stress can cause (with a delay of about three months) significant hair loss 2. infection by the Covid virus has been shown to cause an auto-immune reaction that results in damage to the hair follicles.

In this case, a course of PRP injections is indicated to stimulate hair regrowth.

Does PRP treat all forms of hair loss?

PRP (or plasmatherapy) is mainly indicated in cases of genetic or hormonal hair loss (e.g. after childbirth in women and the onset of age-related baldness in men) or hair loss caused by environmental or emotional stress. This is known as androgenetic alopecia.

To confirm the diagnosis and therefore the correct indication for PRP treatment, it is important that our doctor analyses your scalp to rule out other types of dermatological pathology such as lichen planus or lupus.


Are PRP injections effective in stopping the onset of baldness in men?

If the treatment is started early, i.e. at the first signs of regression of the hairline or the appearance of the temporal gulfs, then yes, PRP injections slow down the process considerably.

However, these injections will not cause regrowth where there is already no hair at all; in such cases, a hair transplant should be considered.


I've been losing a lot of hair since my daughter was born. Can PRP help? And can I use this treatment while I'm still breast-feeding?

Yes, PRP injections will stimulate hair growth in areas where hair density is reduced. The injections will also strengthen the hair and improve its quality following the hormonal changes associated with pregnancy.

Yes, PRP injections can be carried out during the breastfeeding period. It is an "autologous" treatment (based on the use of your own cells) and therefore 100% natural and involves no risk to you or your baby.

Do you get better results if you alternate PRP with mesotherapy vitamin injections?

In the case of vitamin, zinc or biotin deficiencies, mesotherapy is a very good complement to plasmapherapy. To maintain the monthly rhythm of PRP sessions, we recommend interspersing mesotherapy sessions between two.


What are the dos and don'ts of a PRP treatment?


  • On the day of the injection, you should come with clean hair, shampooed the same morning, to avoid any risk of infection during the injection.
  • Eat a meal or small snack and drink plenty of fluids before the session; not fasting will help you to cope better with the blood sample, even if it's only 40ml.


  • Avoid taking anticoagulants or aspirin the day before and the same day.
  • The hair should not be washed 24 to 36 hours after the injection session, to allow the PRP to penetrate and act as fully as possible.
  • No other products (such as hairspray, gel, etc.) should be applied 24 hours after the session.
  • Avoid sources of heat (sauna, hair iron, etc.) for 24 hours after the injection.
  • Avoid exposing the scalp to the sun for 24 hours after the injection, as UV rays denature/deactivate the platelets.
  • As a general rule, do not use water that is too hot when shampooing.


How many times and how often should PRP injections be carried out to achieve lasting results?

We recommend 5 to 6 initial sessions in a course of treatment, at intervals of 4 to 5 weeks (platelets have a lifespan of around 28 days). Thereafter, to maintain results, it is advisable to schedule 1 or 2 maintenance sessions per year.